Sunday, September 13, 2009


The United States of America was built with imagination and innovation. Something I see the American Government is really lacking right now. We are stuck in an old fashioned capitalistic society where big business is running the government instead of the people (remember For the People By the People?). Because of that, the Republic we live in is no longer such a republic.

I don’t fault any one person or group but I blame complacency. We became lackadaisical because we were the leading nation in the world after WWII. We’ve become complacent and abandoned the imagination that made this country great.

The group that is in power now, no matter if Liberal or Conservative, Democrat or Republican, is resisting change. They along with big business are benefitting from this old, outdated system.

Many people could compare the United States to other Democratic countries and show all the flaws. There are many flaws in the U.S. system but we have to remember, we, (as American’s) were the first country to put in place a system ran by the people. The U.S. was a trial country, most democratic nations took the good things from the U.S. and integrated it into their own while omitting the aspects that weren’t functioning properly.

It’s time for a change in this nation. Not just a personnel change, a system change. Instead of legislation in favor of big business we need to be legislating in favor of the people.

The form of capitalism we are following has taken the people out of this nation built on people. It has taken the individual from an influential standpoint to an outsider. Oil companies, car manufacturers, Wal Mart, the entire financial sector, and many other corporations have taken the individual's spot from the people in the; For the People By the People Republic.

Because the powerful few are still benefitting from this outdated system, they are not only resisting change but holding down the liberal (changing) ideas of those who are sick of the system that is now in place.

Now there are arguments of other systems around the world that may be better suited for a nation such as the United States. This is irrelevant. If the U.S. was the first to implement a successful Democratic and capitalistic system why should we look to another nation and use their system? Shouldn’t we be depending on the imagination of great people to bring us to a better time and place? We depended on people like George Washington, John Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton and many more to lay the foundation for a nation with the potential to lead the world from a dictatorial, uncompromising, and unequal state to an equal and compassionate place to live.

Where has the imagination gone? We as a people can’t just complain, for change to occur there has to be imagination, innovation and action. Talk to your friends, talk to your family, talk to your representative. I don’t know about you but I want to live in a country fit for a king or fit for a peasant. I want to live in a place fit for everyone. All men are created equal, a theory first explored by philosopher John Locke then imbedded into the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson. That’s where I want to live.

Red v. Blue

Ignorance is bliss, right? A true statement until those ignorant or uninformed make accusations about current issues. Now more than ever we are hearing and seeing a bombardment of arguing. Obama is a socialist, he is going to try and take over the country. All pledge Obama!

Simple things, like the President’s speech to students has been scrutinized to the point where students needed to have a parent or guardian sign a waiver for them to view it. There was no policy; there was no politics, no bailout, and no health care. Only putting responsibility on the students. The President said something to effect of, if you (meaning students) do poorly in school not only are you letting down yourself and your family you are letting down your country.

Which is a very true statement. The United States of America, the most powerful nation and leader of the free world isn’t as true as it once was. Many can and will argue with that notion. And I hope they would. But how do we as Americans expect to keep leading the free world if our future leaders are failing in school? So why is the thought of the President encouraging the students such a hotly contested idea? The first Bush President gave a speech to the students, Ronald Regan did also, which was much more controversial than the current President’s speech.

Although the disparity in the politics of the U.S. is extremely minimal compared to most other countries in the world, the respect and tolerance for people with differing views is almost non-existent. Democrats and Republicans alike are arguing, just for the sake of arguing, just so the other ideology is wrong. Although compared to most other countries the difference between Democrat and Republican is very small, we are arguing every dilemma we face as if it’s the fault of the other party.

We, as American’s are perpetuating our own polarization. Instead of being tolerant because one might agree or disagree with a certain issue, we care making detrimental accusations. If you support Obama, you’re a socialist. If you agree with Glen Beck you are a closed minded Fascist. Why the polarization? Can’t I see your logic without losing mine? Why do you have to think exactly the same way I do for us to be civil, or even worse, friends?

When the founding fathers constructed the Constitution of the United States of America it wasn’t a simple accomplishment. It was a compilation of differing views, all compromising to make the world’s first modern Democratic Republic. During the early stages of this Republic the vice president wasn’t chosen, it was the candidate who received the second most votes for president. Abraham Lincoln appointed members of his cabinet with people whose ideology didn’t match his. It was a cabinet of rivals. If one of our country’s greatest leaders surrounded himself with people that have differing ideas of how the country would best be ran why are we so intolerant of that now?

Issues in the world aren’t always clear-cut or black and white, so why is the country so red and blue?